domingo, 19 de junio de 2016

El Salvador Tourism


                                        BEACHES OF EL SALVADOR

El Salvador offers visitors more than 300 Km . Of beautiful tropical beaches . Among them, two of the world's best beaches for surfing : beaches El Sunzal and La Paz.

From the west to the east of the country there are more than 45 beaches with colorful landscapes , where you can enjoy warm waters , intense sun and awesome waves that attract surfers from around the world.


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This route provides the opportunity to meet the contemporary history of El Salvador, inherited cultural roots of the ancient indigenous people of Lenca origin. The villages that make up the path of peace have deeply rooted traditions of their ancestors settlers, which can be seen in the daily life of the inhabitants of these villages .

Peace Route is made by the people of Perquin ,Arambala , Villa El Rosario , Joateca , Cacaopera and Corinth . Here , you can enjoy a natural paradise and learn the history and culture of our ancestors , their indigenous traditions , living nature , fresh air . It is a lovely place to discover him and to delve into an unforgettable adventure spot .

This route has been named this way for a period of tranquility enjoyed in the area, after 12 years of civil war ; as this area was one of the main scenes of great battles . The path of peace is located in the department of Morazán and includes a number of different peoples. Morazan department is located in the eastern part of El Salvador; his departmental head is San Francisco Gotera , located 167 kms from the city of San Salvador .

Nice drive from Sonsonate to Ahuachapán comprising 5 main destinations :Salcoatitán , Nahuizalco , Juayua, Apaneca and Ahuachapan .

All are places of incomparable natural beauty , enjoy a pleasant climate , fertile lands that show a colorful journey with the mixture of aromas in the area. On weekends you can enjoy the gastronomic fairs in different towns that make up this route where you will find exotic and delicious national and international dishes , or horse riding , carriages and a small train that runs through the city of Juayúa .

You can visit many traditions and culture, activities such as the production of wicker furniture and crafts , crafts made ​​with Indigo, Looms or a delicious coffee. A others in the area can perform activities such as rappel and canopy .


Salvadoran Coffee forest, has exuberant biodiversity, history, traditions, folklore and a culture of work. This way of life and work can be experienced by tourists to be part of the collection (harvesting), beneficiation and processing of coffee; although the process starts from the crop. The grand finale is to finish enjoying an excellent cup of coffee, you surely will not want to miss.

Come and visit picturesque villages of El Salvador where people produce priceless works of art, let yourself be enchanted by the magic of our crafts.
Salvadoran artisans work clay, natural fibers, wood , seeds and fabrics authentic and beautiful . La Palma ,Ilobasco and San Sebastian are some of the representatives of the Salvadoran crafts.


El Salvador there are numerous archaeological sites that are part of the RutaMaya . The Maya ,Pipil and Lenca , civilizations formed their settlements in this land , where some of their ceremonial centers are still preserved such as :

Located in the department of La Libertad, Jewel Cerénunos 30 minutes from the capital , it was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1993. This site shows the daily life of its indigenous inhabitants , interrupted by the eruption of the volcano Loma Caldera in the year 600 AD approximately.

Away from Joya de Ceren , is this ceremonial archaeological site. San Andrés was the regional alderman ceremonial and administrative center between 600-900 D.C. There is an obraje indigo dating from the colonial era and was buried by the eruption of Volcano Playon in the year 1658 A.D. It has been a place of important findings , including a religious scepter made ​​in flint and skulls with dental inlays.

The first reference dates back to 1892 and was formally registradoTazumal in 1940. The occupation of Tazumal is believed began in 1200 B.C. Its structure is a little over 24 meters. high and comprises 12 steps or pallets . Within her tombs they were found with more than 116 vessels , jade jewelry , iron pyrite mirrors , artifacts ballgame and shaped ceramic lizard.

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